Archive for December, 2003

Pomegranates, good for something besides distractions!

December 30, 2003

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?

You are Charles VI of France, also known as Charles the Mad or Charles the Well-Beloved!

A fine, amiable and dreamy young man, skilled in horsemanship and archery, you were also from a long line of dribbling madmen. King at 12 and quickly married to your sweetheart, Bavarian Princess Isabeau, you enjoyed many happy months together before either of you could speak anything of the other's language. However, after illness you became a tad unstable. When a raving lunatic ran up to your entourage spouting an incoherent prophecy of doom, you were unsettled enough to slaughter four of your best men when a page dropped a lance. Your hair and nails fell out. At a royal masquerade, you and your courtiers dressed as wild men, ending in tragedy when four of them accidentally caught fire and burned to death. You were saved by the timely intervention of the Duchess of Berry's underskirts.

This brought on another bout of sickness, which surgeons countered by drilling holes in your skull. The following months saw you suffer an exorcism, beg your friends to kill you, go into hyperactive fits of gaiety, run through your rooms to the point of exhaustion, hide from imaginary assassins, claim your name was Georges, deny that you were King and fail to recognise your family. You smashed furniture and wet yourself at regular intervals. Passing briefly into erratic genius, you believed yourself to be made of glass and demanded iron rods in your attire to prevent you breaking.

In 1405 you stopped bathing, shaving or changing your clothes. This went on until several men were hired to blacken their faces, hide, jump out and shout “boo!”, upon which you resumed basic hygiene. Despite this, your wife continued sleeping with you until 1407, when she hired a young beauty, Odette de Champdivers, to take her place. Isabeau then consoled herself, as it were, with your brother. Her lovers followed thick and fast while you became a pawn of your court, until you had her latest beau strangled and drowned.

A severe fever was fended off with oranges and pomegranates in vast quantities, but you succumbed again in 1422 and died. Your disease was most likely hereditary. Unfortunately, you had anywhere up to eleven children, who variously went on to develop capriciousness, great cruelty, insecurity, paranoia, revulsion towards food and, in one case, a phobia of bridges.

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

Blue creatures

December 28, 2003

I seem to have a thing for blue creatures, else the people that create the creatures create them lovable and blue…

Blue Man Group
Stitch (so he's evil, but really lovable)

oh I know of others… hmm…

Sully 😉

ok, people.. name any blue creature you can 🙂

Some others, to show I can get out of Disney…

Mystique (she's evil…)

Ready? GO!

retook the color quiz

December 28, 2003

Retook the quiz.. this one seems more like me… interesting that seemingly everyone else I know that has taken the thing has gotten blue in their colors… me, I get red and green. Mix those 2 colors of light together and you get yellow. In this case, khaki 🙂

you are khaki

Your dominant hues are red and green, so you're definately not afraid to get in and stir things up. You have no time for most people's concerns, you'd rather analyze with your head than be held back by some random “gut feeling”.

Your saturation level is lower than average – You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.

the html color quiz


December 24, 2003
LJ Barcode
LJ username:


December 24, 2003
Patricia is the #2 most common female name.
1.073% of females in the US are named Patricia.
Around 1368075 US females are named Patricia!


December 24, 2003
The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
Category Your Score Average LJer
Community Attachment 1.08%
You have one or two loyal pals on LJ… But you probably have better things to do with your time.
MemeSheepage 15.79%
Only trendy when it's sufficiently entertaining
Original Content 9.68%
It's okay to talk. People won't bite. Trust us.
Psychodrama Quotient 2.41%
Warning: Can Flame When Necessary
Attention Whoring 22.73%
You do a little dance whenever someone friends you

College Night

December 21, 2003

It's almost January.. almost time to see streams of Purple and Gold all over campus.. it's the most wonderful time of the year….


I'm excited and happy 🙂

For those who don't know what College Night is, here's a quick link for you:

For reference, I'm a Gold. This will be my third year as a Gold.

For the past two years, I have been a member of the cast chorus (aka: extra), and both years played an old lady. The first year, I had sprained my ankle (BEFORE rehersals started.. in fact, it was the day of the read-thru, and I sprained it in a parking lot.. loose rocks, ya know? :)) so the old lady had a cane (character only). Made it interesting when the choreographer was trying to figure out something for me to do 🙂 By the way, this play was set in 1984, near Talladega, Alabama. My character (since I had the old person make up on, I stayed the same person throughout the whole play) was a church member, and mother to the leading man's girlfriend (we had to figure out why I would be at a skating rink… lol.. I wasn't skating… the 'rink' were the aisles, circling the center section of the seats in the auditorium… up the hill, acroos, down teh hill, across, and again. Also, what helped when I thought of 'who' I was (this was decided a day or two before the show debuted… and only 3 people knew the relations… me, the girlfriend character, and the girlfriend's father (also the sheriff.. and an older man).

The second year, the play was set in 1926. Yes, Chicago debuted in theatres during rehersals. Not many wanted to see it at all because they LIVED 1926 since the 2nd week of January. I was a random old lady, really. I didn't find out til the FIRST show that I was playing an old lady.. I was going to makeup, and they told me that I had to get the assisstant director to do my makeup, because I was playing an old woman.

Screeeeech! Halt! Ok, earlier I had been asked by the director if I wanted to play age. I told her I'd rather not, and she said we needed a mix of people. I guess she won. But, um.. my costume was like an old lady TRYING to fit in with the younger crowd.. lol.. I had heels, a clouche hat, long dress, but split up the side. Sweater (lol.. hey, it was NYC! 😉 ) and a jacket.

This year, I'm hoping to either be in the show as a different type person (not age.. or if age, not a blah char.. lol.. I know, choosers can't be pickers, or whatever.. lol.) ANYWAYS!

It's alot of fun, and if anyone feels like seeing two original theatrical shows, let me know, and I'll let you know about tickets & directions 🙂